
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Fire-Alarm Exercise !

6.40 am - Silsoe

You know those bells that usually ring in pre-schools ? Well, here we have the same but one bell just in front of my room upstairs and another downstairs. The officials of the silsoe campus had really a wonderful idea : wake up everybody at 6.40 am.
It was a success !!!! Hearing such a noise, I tried to stop my alarm-clock but it didn't stop ! And trust me, you cannot stay in your bed, it's too loud.
My housemate who had gone to bed at 4 am couldn't understand what was happening and I had to explain to him. Because even out of bed, he was still sleeping. And outside it was so cold... Some people had taken their covers with them. It's a pity, I have no photograph...

Anyway, I have learnt a new verb today : to blare.

Not the funniest part of the morning because I could have slept 50 more minutes (it's important when you go to bed everyday at 1 am or 2 am) but after, you laugh a lot about it.


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    By Blogger blackbird, at 3:26 am  

  • Poor boy, you, who need to sleep so much... it should be very disturbing... Do u know that last time this bell rang because of me ? bc I forgot the rice on the cooker, and guess what ? After that it turned out to be a smoked rice.... i should patent this new recipe...

    By Blogger blackbird, at 3:28 am  

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